When I think about possible changes or reforms that my career should undergo, I first think about the quantitative-qualitative dichotomy, a major contradiction. It is common to enter the world of research, whatever it may be, and to be confronted with the methodological bifurcation that weighs on the research paradigms; immediately the aim is to eliminate the dichotomy in the first semesters, but later in the career, the specific subjects exacerbate the disjunctive, giving special priority to the focus of the field. This is the contradiction, an empty effort to destroy the idea that quantitative and qualitative are mutually exclusive, and then proceed to teach the opposite. Really, it's just a question I don't understand about the race and I think it doesn't make a lot of sense. It's certainly something that could be done better, I don't know exactly in what way, but it could be. Another thing I would change, are the absurd amounts of academic load (of any career i...