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When I think about possible changes or reforms that my career should undergo, I first think about the quantitative-qualitative dichotomy, a major contradiction. It is common to enter the world of research, whatever it may be, and to be confronted with the methodological bifurcation that weighs on the research paradigms; immediately the aim is to eliminate the dichotomy in the first semesters, but later in the career, the specific subjects exacerbate the disjunctive, giving special priority to the focus of the field. This is the contradiction, an empty effort to destroy the idea that quantitative and qualitative are mutually exclusive, and then proceed to teach the opposite. Really, it's just a question I don't understand about the race and I think it doesn't make a lot of sense. It's certainly something that could be done better, I don't know exactly in what way, but it could be.  Another thing I would change, are the absurd amounts of academic load (of any career i...


Time travel is a dilemma for modern science, and seems to be more of a fantasy that is kept alive as the possibility of something unknown and new. The interesting thing about time travel is, perhaps, to satisfy an inner need or desire to know beyond what is humanly possible, to know what is going to happen, to witness it and perhaps to live it. Perhaps it is just the fantasy of an increasingly technological world, with newer things, that satisfy that fantasy of cyber and networks implanted by the spectacle and popular culture. be that as it may, time travel exists, even if only at the level of an idea. Its usefulness, far from the practical function behind the concept of "travel", is no more than imagining virtual scenarios with the possibility of being , in the case of travel into the future, or simply the possibility of never having been , in the case of travel into the past. In any case, if time travel is possible I would like to travel into the future a considerable numbe...

3. My Dream Job

 Is There Such a Thing As a Dream Job? Like everyone else, when I was little I wanted to be a lot of things: scientist, astronaut, chemist and for a long time I wanted to study physical sciences (physics degree). The truth is that it wasn't until my third year of high school that I questioned the idea of studying physics, and my interests began to change.  When I started my third year of high school, I chose to study the intermediate level technician in construction, which was one of the two technical career options offered by the school. The truth is that I did not want to work in the construction area as such, and even less in administration (which was the other option). I studied construction because I knew that there I could learn things that would be useful in life, not as a vocation or my future source of income par excellence.  In this process of my last two years of my technical career I began to question many things, and to read about social and political issues....

2. The Best Concert Ever

  "Los Tres" in Summer It happened at the beginning of 2019, as part of a series of concerts that the municipality of Peñalolen put free of charge to the neighbors of the commune (and whoever wanted to attend, of course). The truth is that yes, it was the best concert I have ever attended, but also the only one. The truth is that, despite being free, the presentation was very good. My expectations were almost nil, I liked the band, that's why I attended, but I had never experienced being in a concert of a band that had such a massive audience.   The concert was held in a plaza located on Sanchez Fontecilla Street, closer to Los Presidentes than to Grecia.  The concert was held in a plaza located on Sanchez Fontecilla Street, closer to Los Presidentes than to Grecia, around 7 pm, although I don't remember the exact time because an opening act (a very good one by the way) played before the band. I went with my mother and some friends of hers with whom I got along very ...

1. A Country I`d Like To Visit

Palestina ¿Sightseeing place?   Hello everyone, my name is Dorian Ñanco and in this blog i will tell you why i would like to visit Palestine.  When asked which country I would like to visit, I don't think of any specific one. The truth, if it comes to tourist reasons, I would like to visit more Chile. However, as I told you at the beginning, I would like to visit Palestine, a nation that hides behind it a long history of segregation and religious exclusion, from the Ottoman Empire to the Israeli occupation. Why? Simply, I would like to experience in the flesh what it is like to be in that place and relate to the Arab Muslim culture.   Basically, I have a special interest in the Palestinian question and its historiography, so my intentions in wanting to visit this country are to broaden my perspective on both Arab culture and the religion of Islam and how this connects with the contingent displacement that its people have been living historically. I know relatively little...


 Although he does not belong to my field directly, Slavoj Zizek is one of the most influential philosophers and intellectuals of the last decades.  He is of Slovenian nationality, trained in philosophy and sociology at the University of Luibliana and psychoanalysis at the University of Paris VIII Vincennes-Saint-Denis. Among his most important works are the sublíme object of ideology, where he develops a materialist conception of history, but from Lacanian psychoanalysis and Hegelian idealism. In this sense, the approach of his books is almost always philosophical and psychoanalytical, as well as reflective and sometimes political or related to culture.   He mainly discusses contemporary problems in his books, for example, one of his latest books deals precisely with the COVID-19 pandemic.  As a bonus, although it is by no means a secret, Zizek considers himself a person who is passionate about cinema, and sees in it a form of representation of reality. He is co...