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2. The Best Concert Ever

 "Los Tres" in Summer

It happened at the beginning of 2019, as part of a series of concerts that the municipality of Peñalolen put free of charge to the neighbors of the commune (and whoever wanted to attend, of course).

The truth is that yes, it was the best concert I have ever attended, but also the only one. The truth is that, despite being free, the presentation was very good. My expectations were almost nil, I liked the band, that's why I attended, but I had never experienced being in a concert of a band that had such a massive audience.  

The concert was held in a plaza located on Sanchez Fontecilla Street, closer to Los Presidentes than to Grecia. 

The concert was held in a plaza located on Sanchez Fontecilla Street, closer to Los Presidentes than to Grecia, around 7 pm, although I don't remember the exact time because an opening act (a very good one by the way) played before the band. I went with my mother and some friends of hers with whom I got along very well. There were so many people that at one point it became very difficult for us to move from the place where we had arranged to meet, but I still separated from the group and went further ahead.

(I don't have another picture, but here is the link to the video: (5) Los Tres en "Verano con Pasión 2019" de la Municipalidad de Peñalolen. - YouTube)
The concert lasted just over an hour. In fact, they had a timer next to the stage that indicated an hour of concert time (other artists came later, but I couldn't stay to see them). The presentation lasted just over an hour. In fact, they had a timer next to the stage that indicated an hour of concert time (other artists came later, but I couldn't stay to see them). 

Something I will always remember from that concert is Álvaro Heríquez's voice, it surprised me a lot since I personally considered it very difficult to sing in tonalities like the songs of Los Tres. Another thing I will never forget is Titae, his face live.


  1. OMG, I also go to a free concert of Los Tres, but in Maipu in 2013 (a Long time ago, I know) I remeber that I go with my father and mi brother and my sister, it's a very good experiences. I guess that their have a lot of concert with diferent municipalities.

  2. I love all three of them, I saw them once at the cumbre del rock a few years ago

  3. I think I've never seen none of the artist you saw. Next time invite me over and we see them together!
    I would love to go to a free concert... at least ones...


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